
Author: Jessica Colins


Peggy Domitz, who was paralyzed a decade ago, has traveled to Bonaire, Grenada, Cozumel and other locations through the scuba diving programs of Diveheart, a Downers Grove-based nonprofit group. Her world doesn't have to stop: Scuba diving offers new opportunities for people with disabilities Kevin Schmit Updated 9/21/2023...


https://1mile1veteran.com/episode/scuba-diving-therapy-for-veterans/ In this episode, Danny Mayberry interviewed Jim Elliott and Tinamarie Hernandez, the leaders of Diveheart, a nonprofit organization that helps people with disabilities through scuba-related activities. They discuss the importance of self-identification and empowerment for individuals with disabilities and the impact that scuba diving can...


Free Descent Podcast Interview with Diveheart <iframe src="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/freedescent/embed/episodes/Dive-8-Interview-with-DiveHeart-and-Jakes-First-Classes-e262f14/a-a58emn" height="102px" width="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Jim and Tinamarie chatted with Jake and Myles from about Diveheart adaptive diving techniques and working with divers from all walks of life. Free Descent is a podcast by millennial dive instructors with a goal: to...


Scuba's Therapeutic Potential 06/25/2023 (NewsUSA) - When scuba diving instructor Jim Elliott first started teaching individuals with physical disabilities in 1997, he intuitively realized that diving also had therapeutic benefits for individuals with autism, down syndrome and other cognitive and learning impairments. Twenty-six years later, team members of...